Winner of the speed trials at Berrow 1997 (43mph buggy speed in 21mph or less wind speed on damp sand)
Unauthorised quotes:
"Easier to fly in difficult wind than a 4-liner" (Dean Jordan, 1997)
"It just says 'Fly me!'" (Dean Jordan, 1997)
"Gimme, Gimme!" (Mike Shaw, 1997)
"Nice colours" (My mother-in-law, 1996)
"The best kite on the beach" (Peter Lynn, 1996, unconfirmed. nb:none of his traction kites flying at the time)
"Shit! That's good" (Peter Lynn, 1996, denied!)
"I'm glad he only makes them one at a time" (Peter Lynn, 1997, unconfimed)
"This is the bit where I fit the extra hype" (Andrew Beattie, 1997)
"I have this idea for an even more complex bridle..." (Andrew Beattie, 1997)
"Great Kite, Cool Logo" (Andy Wardley, 1997, designer of the Chevron logo)
Hosted on Sow.